The price of individual and small business health insurance plans will jump again next year – and two by double digits that could leave people paying nearly $700 more a year for their monthly premiums.
The recent announcement by Mad River Community Hospital to close their delivery room in October is part of a nationwide decline of maternity services in rural areas.
Authors Andrea Sankar and CM Cassidy offer insights and tips for families caring for loved ones in their final days
Pharmacy benefit managers attempt to negotiate cost savings for insurers. California is considering new rules that would require them to pass their discounts on to consumers.
Report on racial inequities in accessing medication for opioid addiction
In less than a month, Oregon will end its nearly four-year experiment with drug decriminalization. Beginning Sept. 1, possession of small amounts of drugs will again be a misdemeanor crime.
Schools that banned phones a few years ago have advice for other districts as the governor calls for a crackdown.
One state adopted worker protections and saw deaths drop, while the other took no action.
Oregon’s temperatures are dipping, but last month’s heat wave solidified an unsettling trend: Extreme heat is hitting Oregon’s aging population hard.
Many California teens who deal with addiction don’t have access to evidence-based treatment. Health providers and advocates provided testimony to lawmakers this week on specific weak points in the system.
The Department of Environmental Quality issued an alert Wednesday for southern and central Oregon, where wildfires are filling the air with smoke.
Former Asante Health nurse Dani Marie Schofield is mounting a vigorous defense after being indicted for allegedly giving 44 patients tap water instead of painkiller.
Abbey Stamp is now in charge of the Oregon Health Authority's role in implementing Measure 110