Despite making music together for more than 30 years, the Grammy-winning singer/songwriting siblings have never until now written music as a duo. On the new Watkins Family Hour album called Brother Sister, their synergy is on full display. Working with producer Mike Viola, Sean (guitar) and Sara (fiddle) found that their recent physical separation (even before the pandemic broke out) provided an opportunity to craft some fresh musical ideas, and then bring them to the recording session for feedback and arrangement in the duo setting.
Sara and Sean formed Watkins Family Hour back in 2002 at a Los Angeles club called Largo. It was (and will be again once Largo reopens) a musical variety show that the Watkins used to try out some original songs, as well as a few cover tunes that didn't work in Nickel Creek. They also invited many of their talented friends to join them in collaboration.
They joined JPR's Eric Teel from their respective homes in southern California and shared a few tunes from the new album.

JPR Live Sessions are recorded with Audix microphones. Located in Wilsonville, Oregon, Audix designs, engineers, and manufactures high performing, innovative products that contribute to the advancement of the professional audio industry.