Ki Soon Hyun's death outside a Sandy memory care facility has put a bright light on significant issues in Oregon.
Oregon’s long-term care ombudsman highlighted significant issues at the facility in a report released earlier this month.
Very few nursing home residents in Oregon have gotten this year’s COVID-19 booster, according to the Oregon Health Authority.
California is revamping how it rewards nursing homes to get them to improve patient care.
About 11,500 long-term care center workers are now sick with COVID. “It’s been like one coworker after another, after another, everyone getting sick,” one nursing assistant said.
Oregon's hospitals are so short on beds, many have been forced to cancel elective surgeries. One underreported problem: about 10 percent of hospital beds are occupied by patients who are ready to leave but have nowhere to go.
California nursing homes have filed more than 400 lawsuits since 2016 to appeal state citations and fines alleging poor patient care. Regulators downgraded nearly a third of sanctions involving a death. Advocates say the appeals system favors nursing homes.