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Reporters deliver news on housing and fires

It's been that kind of a month: just when California was ready to open US 199 (Redwood Highway) across the state line again, Oregon had closed the road on its side, due to encroaching fire and evacuation warnings. Fires and smoke and their effects continue to make news, but there are other things happening, including a plan to rebuild defective housing meant for people burned out by the Almeda fire back in 2020.

That's the basic framework for our weekly gathering of JPR reporters, The Debrief. News Director Erik Neumann discusses the stories of the week with some combination of reporters Jane Vaughan, Roman Battaglia, and Ella Hutcherson.

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The Jefferson Exchange is Jefferson Public Radio's daily news program focused on issues, people and events across Southern Oregon and Northern California. Angela Decker is the program's senior producer, Charlie Zimmermann is the assistant producer, and Geoffrey Riley hosts the show.