How comfortable (or not) was your last ride in an airplane seat? And what should the organizers of youth football be doing to prevent player concussions?
Those are the big questions on this week's VENTSday segment.
VENTSday is our weekly "opinion swarm"… we throw a pair of topics on the table, and let listeners vent--politely--on those topics.
They can range from the global to the hyper-local, and all responsible opinions are welcome.
We bring the topics, you bring the opinions.
It's VENTSday on The Jefferson Exchange, and you participate by calling 1-800-838-3760 or 541-552-6782 or emailing
Once more around on this week's subject matter:
- Airline seats, the fights over reclining, and what should be done...
- Youth football and the efforts to prevent kids from getting concussions.
That second topic will segue into our second-hour discussion with Steve Almond, the author of "Against Football."