Parts of Oregon get abundant rainfall, but the vast majority of the state doesn't see much action from the sky through the growing season. So some water planning is in order, and that includes the state's Integrated Water Resource Strategy (IWRS).
That strategy brings several agencies together with the public, to figure out Oregon's water needs and infrastructure, and the public's thinking about both. The IWRS is updated every few years, and the first draft of a 2024 edition is on the table. Oregon's Kitchen Table helped gather the public input to the document, and more input is being taken until early April.
A separate project later in the spring will take input on recreation on the Upper Rogue River, and what people think is proper and desirable.
Wendy Willis, OKT Director, and Eliot Feenstra, Project Manager for OKT, are our guests.
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And here's the information about the coming Rogue River recreation project (bottom item on the page):