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The Jefferson Exchange

A night to tell stories of being Black in the Rogue Valley

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Somehow, Black History Month ended up on the shortest month of the year. A little research turns up the fact that the creator of the original Black History Week chose the week including the birthday observances of both Abraham Lincoln (February 12) and Frederick Douglass (February 14).

Even in a leap year, with its extra day, a lot of events get crammed into February. This year they include "Griot Night (pronounced GREE-oh)," put together by Southern Oregon University's Black Student Union and Digital Media Center.

It's a night to share stories of the Black experience in the Rogue Valley, coming up February 21 at 6 PM. Assistant Professor Vaun Monroe and BSU president Demetrius Davis-Boucher give a preview of the plan.

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The Jefferson Exchange is Jefferson Public Radio's daily news program focused on issues, people and events across Southern Oregon and Northern California. Angela Decker is the program's senior producer, Charlie Zimmermann is the assistant producer, and Geoffrey Riley hosts the show.