It's not just that humans have changed the climate, we've also made big changes to the surface of the Earth. Freeways and tall buildings are not natural occurrences, and they displace things that are.
Much of the landscape in our part of the world was shaped by volcanoes. And it was further shaped by the activities of beavers, still present on the land, but in not nearly the numbers that were once present.
It's no coincidence the Oregon--the Beaver State--is host to the 6th Biennial State of the Beaver Conference, hosted by the Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Indians November 13-15. Beaver scientists and advocates from around the world are scheduled to attend, to discuss how beavers are doing, and how they can be assisted to do what beavers do.
We get a preview from our guest Stanley Petrowski, President and Director of the South Umpqua Rural Community Partnership.