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Dirty, weedy, and fun: summer gardening, with help from Lynn Kunstman

If you like it, it's a plant. If you don't, it's a weed.

We've come to recognize value judgments and more in our once-a-week class on gardening. We get our instructions from Lynn Kunstman of Jackson County Master Gardeners.

Lynn is here to answer your questions about the underground. Call in your gardening query live at 800-838-3760 or email: JX@jeffnet.org.

Links for the week: plant apps iNaturalist and Seek (also by iNaturalist).

Lynn followed up on last week's question about flowering shrubs with yellow flowers...

I did some research after the question last week, when I could only come up with one YELLOW flowering shrub.

Here is a list of Oregon NATIVE yellow flowering plants:

  • Ribes aureum - Golden Currant
  • Oregon grape - Berberis nervosa
  • Tall Oregon grape - Berberis aquifolium
  • Bearberry Honeysuckle - Lonicera involucrata
  • Smooth Sumac - Rhus glabra
  • Dasiphora fruticosa - Shrubby Cinquefoil

And here are California natives that will do well here:

  • Flannel Bush - Fremontodendron californicum
  • Channel Islands Tree Poppy - Dendromecon harfordii
  • Bush Anemone (white flower with yellow center) - Carpenteria californica

If people know the conditions of their site, they can search www.oregonflora.org. Click on EXPLORE, then choose GROW NATIVES.  Put your parameters in, and a list of plants that fit your criteria will come up.  You can do the same at Calscape.

Our climate in the Rogue Valley is more closely aligned with the Sierra Nevada foothills - gold country.

Plants can be ordered from many native plant nurseries in California and Oregon...

Oregon Native Plant Nursery list

California Native Plant Nursery list

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The Jefferson Exchange is Jefferson Public Radio's daily news program focused on issues, people and events across Southern Oregon and Northern California. Angela Decker is the program's senior producer, Charlie Zimmermann is the assistant producer, and Geoffrey Riley hosts the show.