College can provide many benefits in life, income among them. Go to the right school for the right subject, and you'll make more money over your working life.
But choose carefully, says a new study from the Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity (call it FreOpp).
The report shows a big range in return on investment (ROI) in education, largely dependent upon choice of major and choice of college.
For example, no matter which school you attend, you probably won't make a lot of money in journalism. Somehow, we knew this one already.
Preston Cooper from FreOpp has more examples in our interview.
We culled these from the very deep list:
Examples from Southern Oregon University for Bachelor's degrees:
Business Administration, Management and Operations:
Earnings at age 25..............age 35..............age 45
Fine and Studio Arts:
.....................$17,346 $24,688 $25,128
Examples from University of Oregon for Bachelor's degrees:
Computer and Information Sciences, General:
Earnings at age 25 .......age 35 .......age 45
................$61,260 $98,397 $112,437
Linguistic, Comparative, and Related Language Studies and Services:
................$22,066 $36,968 $33,805