What was it George Harrison sang about "a long, cold, lonely winter?" He never experienced a winter like this one, with COVID-19 flaring anew after the holidays.
The post-Christmas surge shows signs of subsiding, vaccines are being given, and arts organizations are looking at the restrictions, wondering how they can connect people with the arts.
We take note of those activities in this month's edition of First Friday Arts. It's an all-call segment... all the content comes from people at arts organizations calling in with details of their plans.
This is the FIRST such segment of the year (we took January 1 off), so here's a chance to catch up on arts happenings. Contribute to the list by calling 800-838-3760.
We find out about the possibilities of returning to the region's vibrant arts scene... or if, groundhog-like, we get a longer winter.
February visitors to FFA:
- New Zone Gallery in Eugene
- Special Olympics in Medford, boosting the Polar Plunge
- Ashland Independent Film Festival
- Ashland Gallery Association
- Liberty Arts, the gallery in Yreka