Hour 2
Despite the reminders from emergency managers, few people practice evacuating from their homes. So we're bound to leave a few important things behind.
And if those things include prescription drugs, health problems can ensue. Our perusal of fire issues and remedies on Wednesday includes details from Jackson County Health and Human Services about how to get emergency prescription refills from pharmacies when you've had to evacuate.
And as with all episodes of the JX since the crisis began, we invite you to call or email with your own story or situation or question: 800-838-3760 or jx@jeffnet.org. We get through this together, and sharing stories really helps.
Programs and relief efforts mentioned on Wednesday:
- If you need a prescription filled and do not have your meds with you, you can go to your pharmacy for an emergency 30-day prescription. If your pharmacy is not open, you can go to a pharmacy in the same chain. If all else fails, email: oha.pharmacy@state.or.us Oregon Health Plan recipients in the Rogue Valley can call AllCare at 541-471-4106 or Jackson Care Connect at 503-416-4100
- Willow-Witt Ranch includes a pet cemetery and will be open Today, Wednesday (Sept. 16) for free pet burials for cats and dogs lost in the Almeda and Obenchain fires. Some regulations on containers. Cemetery phone number is 541-625-9370Email will be up today...but for now: info@willowwittranch.com
- Thielsen Fire Information (Diamond Lake): 541-595-8227