Underground History is one of The Jefferson Exchange's most popular segments.
But why just listen on the radio? We're bringing Underground History above ground with Underground History Live!
Join Jefferson Exchange host Geoffrey Riley and Chelsea Rose and Mark Tveskov from SOU's Anthropology Lab at The Haul in Grants Pass for our next Underground History Live. It happens Monday, January 28 from 6:00 - 8:00 pm.
This edition of Underground History Live welcomes retired Forest Service archaeologist Jeff LaLande. We'll explore the history of the world's only Bigfoot trap, located in the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest. Today a popular hiking destination, the trap was built over 40 years ago in hopes of catching the elusive Sasquatch.
There's no admission fee!
Get to The Haul by 6 pm (or earlier, if you have an appetite like Sasquatch) if you want dinner and drinks (not to mention a good seat). We'll start the program at 7.